Chemo-Toxicity Calculator Results

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Patient Total Risk Score:  
Patient Toxicity Risk:  

Using the predictive model for treatment-related toxicity in older adults (Hurria et al, Journal of Clinical Oncology, 20111), this patient has a risk of grade 3-5 toxicity2.

Toxicity Factor/Question Value/Response Score
Patient’s Age
Cancer Type
Number of chemotherapy agents
How is your hearing (with a hearing aid, if needed)?
Number of falls in the past 6 months?
Can you take your own medicines?
Does your health limit you in walking one block?
During the past 4 weeks, how much of the time has your physical health or emotional problems interfered with your social activities (like visiting with friends, relatives, etc.)?
Creatinine Clearance


In a sample of 500 patients receiving chemotherapy, % of those scoring between experienced grade 3-5 toxicity, putting this patient at risk for such events. Scores between 0 and 5 are considered low risk, scores between 6 and 9 are considered medium risk, and scores between 10 and 19 are considered high risk. The above graph describes the percentage of patients experiencing grade 3-5 toxicity in each risk category. The below table summarizes the number of patients within each score in the Hurria et al study.

Total Risk Score %Risk N
Low 0 to 3 25% 28
4 to 5 32% 100
Mid 6 to 7 50% 136
8 to 9 54% 91
High 10 to 11 77% 62
12 to 19 89% 47
2using the NCI Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events version 3.0


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